Nepal Earthquake – Help us to help Nepal

How you can help:

Donate here to support LED’s response to the earthquake in Nepal.

Send tents/sleeping bags/water purification systems (by Wednesday 6th May) to:

Val Pitkethly
c/o 8 Trinity Park

The main epicentre was in the Gorkha region, home to Manaslu and Tsum where we have donated lights, medical supplies and school supplies for many years – most recently in April this year. You can see photos from the trip here.

Val is working with contacts at PHASE in Kathmandu to get our stock of 250 solar lights distributed in the region as soon as possible, and has donated her tents and kitchen equipment to the villagers of Khunde in the Everest region.

Val’s currently in the UK where she is coordinating with PHASE’s UK team to gather relief supplies and to ship them out to Nepal. The priority needs are for: tents, sleeping bags and any kind of water purification system. We are aiming to ship out on/about Wednesday 6th May 2015.

The monsoon starts in earnest in May. 90% of homes have been destroyed in Manaslu / Tsum area so people desperately need shelter especially after the harsh winter they have had – they have lost 50% of their livestock already. Any tent or sleeping bag will do.

Looking further ahead we will be looking at long term help with rebuilding homes and livelihoods.

Donations large and small will allow us to make a difference on the ground, in Kathmandu as well as in these remote regions:

  • £10 will buy water purification and a small blanket in Kathmandu
  • £20 will buy a blanket that would cover a family in Kathmandu
  • £30 will buy a blanket plus a sack of rice in Kathmandu
  • £40 will help with getting tents shipped into the remote areas especially Manaslu area by helicopter, once they can start flying stuff in
  • £100 will provide basic food for a month for a family of 4/5 in one of the remote villages in Tsum / Manaslu

Please give what you can. Every penny you donate will go to Nepal – LED is run entirely by volunteers.

We’ll keep you updated via Facebook and Twitter.